Six Skillful Ways to Put Old Smart Phones to Use for Off the Grid Survival

broken iPhone

Cell phones continue to come and go. Just like with most technology, right after you leave the store with your new purchase in hand, your smartphone is already obsolete. The company is already done coming up with a new design that'll replace the very phone in your hand.

This leaves many preppers and people alike asking what should be done with an old (even broken) smartphone after it has been replaced for the umpteenth time.

You may have a drawer full of old cell phones from years past. You have the option to either get rid of them, recycle them, or sell them.

Sure recycling is a good decision, but as a prepper, you may want to consider keeping your old smartphones around and adding them to a bug out bag for when SHTF.

On the next page check out some tips on how you can utilize your old smartphones when you need them the most when the grid goes down.

Later, discover a smartphone prepper tip that could be life-saving if you’re stuck out in the wilderness.

Next Page »


  1. Jeff Carroll said:

    Best use is the camera and pictures of loved ones. Survival is a mental challange and being able to look at pics is almost always a pick me up. Additionally if your group gets separated you could have a pic of them from that morning showing exactly what they look like and clothes. These things are addictive and just giving one to a stressed out kid can work miracles .

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