Several Ways to Re-purpose Your Old Yoga Mats and Make Them Useful Once More

yoga mat

For the uninitiated, yoga mats are used to protect a person from the hardness of the floor when doing yoga.

Like any piece of equipment, though, they wear out and lose their protective coating and cushioning, rendering them useless as protection against hard surfaces.

When that happens, they usually get discarded, but just because they no longer protect someone doing yoga does not mean you need to throw them away! Your yoga mats can actually be used for survival purposes!

Part of the survival mentality is repurposing everything possible and turning something useless into something useful once again.

This is particularly true if you are trying to become more self-sufficient or are gearing up for a survival situation.

Yoga mats have amazing alternative uses once they become used up.

To see how you can repurpose them, check out the next page.

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