Retail Apocalypse Gains Traction as David Stockman Warns ‘Everything Will Grind to a Halt’ After March 15th

closed sign

Retail stores are downgrading or closing all over the United States, employees being fired by the droves. It is easy to blame a multitude of reasons, none of which really has a leg to stand on, but it is happening.

We can cite J.C. Penney, Sears and the ever popular Family Christian Stores which have been in business for eighty-five (85) years! All have been downgraded or have been forced to close. But why?

Why has this suddenly happened? Has it been sudden or have we, along with a massive deficit, been closing our eyes and ears to the signs? Why is March 15th the chosen date where experts believe “everything will come to a halt”?

After the break go over to the next page and read up on some very disturbing facts and reasoning behind this frightening claim!

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  1. Jessie T. Sunny said:

    holy$#%&!@*the 15th! not enough time! Wall Drug South Dakota then we make our way into open canada country lots of resources

  2. David Vick said:

    So when the 16th comes around and everything’s business as usual. What’s that gonna say about this article?

  3. Stephen Hilton said:

    It’s one to tell people to prep and provide valuable info, and it is another to try and stir the pot play off fears and emotion..

  4. Steven Hyde said:

    It won’t matter.
    Within 3 months everyone in America will be dead.
    There are 200 nuclear plants that use electricity to pump water to keep them from melting down.
    If the grids fail, the pumps fail.
    There is battery back up for a short time and then generators for a little longer, but without refueling they too will shut down.
    Emp = nothing that has a computer will work.
    No trucks to refuel the generators!
    Damned shamed they didn’t have a solar backbup!!
    We will al be radiated to death.
    So either dig a very very deep hole, climb in and wait for hundreds of thousands of years or just accept the certainty of death!
    Sorry to rain on your prepper parade!

  5. Mina Svendsen said:

    He should be financially punished if it doesn’t. Stirring people into an artificial shopping frenzy!

  6. Jason Milstone said:

    Typical…interest in prepping is at an all time low so articles like this start popping up. Unfortunately prepping has become just another business endeavor….

  7. David Fee said:

    Am I the only one that notices the date always just changes when it doesn’t come true? What’s their back up dat now if it doesn’t happen?

  8. Jilliane Clark said:

    Fear mongers. Saying that Trump and Wall Street don’t understand the financial crisis. lol. Trump did not become a billionaire in business by not understanding finance. We know we are headed towards a crisis thanks to Obama’s overspending and goverment programs that have gotten out of hand. First we need to end the FED, which has always been at the root of our problems. Then get the illegals out. Remove welfare benefits from people who are physically able to work and remove unnecessary government programs. People will get through the hard times when they come, we always do.

  9. Michael T. Maloney said:

    Trump is a great NYC real estate investor and no one can take that away from him, however, I agree with David Stockton that the US government and citizenry are completely unprepared for the “hard debt landing” that lies ahead. I voted for Trump with the apprehension that the next sitting US President may preside over a full blown currency and debt crisis and may single-handedly take the blame for over 50 years of out-of-control US government spending.

  10. Michael Butala said:

    It’s just another debt ceiling issue. After a few weeks of chest pounding between Parties, they will “raise it” again, making sure to continue the long trek of f**king us all over before there is finally no way to repay anything, ever, period, ever and people finally see what a global depression really means.

  11. Ruben Gonzalez said:

    Sensationalism. Yes, the retail market has bubbled, and yes,that bubble is poised to burst like the housing bubble. I won’t waste time with the intricacies, but this is a statistical phenomenon that cannot be accurately predicted to the degree suggested. Taking market advice from stick rubbing doomsday rednecks is like going to the wall street page for homestead advice.

  12. Matthew Davis said:

    jackass, this has been going on since the sixties. Stop putting party loyalty before humanity

  13. Matthew Davis said:

    These fucks sent me spam at 10:04 a.m. precissly three minutes ago.

    WHAT THE$#%&!@* this page has gone downhill and is being reported.

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