Raising Chicks on a Budget to Start a Homesteading Flock!

baby chicks

Just about anyone who has lived on a farm or homestead or has geared themselves towards a self-sustaining lifestyle has at one point or another (or multiple times) raised chicks.

Most do it for the promise of abundant and “free” eggs. Others do it for meat (although if that is you, pay a little extra to have a butcher visit your flock – it's easier, cleaner, you get more meat and it is a lot less nerve-wracking for some.)

Regardless of why you want them, raising chicks, as opposed to full grown chickens where you do not know what you are getting, is fun!

Best of all, if you plan it properly, you can do it without breaking the bank!

To see how to raise chicks on a budget, check out the next page!

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