Quick, Easy and Cheap DIY Fire Starters


Using lint as a fire starter is one way you can recycle as well as get access to a fail-safe fire starter.

We list what you need and what to do below and after the basic instructions, we give some ideas to make the fire-starter even more awesome!

You will need:

Cardboard egg carton OR cardboard tubes from toilet paper rolls or paper towel rolls

Leftover dryer lint

Wax – optional (can be leftover candles!)

String (hemp or jute twine work best)

Scissors to cut string and/or cardboard tubes

Cut the cardboard egg carton into sections. If using cardboard tubes, cut paper towel roll tubes in half.
Stuff dryer lint into egg carton well. If using cardboard tubes, fold one of the open ends over to close it off, then stuff with dryer lint.

Fold edges of egg carton over the dryer lint and then tie with twine to secure. If using cardboard tubes, fold the remaining open end over to close it, then tie tube with twine to secure the ends shut.

If you want to make your fire starters waterproof, dip them in melted wax. I use what is left at the bottom of jar candles.

Pretty simple huh?

To make it burn slower, you can also mix it with Vaseline or vegetable oil.

I also include wood shavings in mine and keep about 25 of these stored in a tin for starting a fire in the wood stove in the morning as well as in my camping / fishing / survival gear.

To learn other great ways to make easy and cheap fire-starters, please visit Grit.


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