Quick, Easy and Cheap DIY Fire Pit


Fire pits can serve a bunch of purposes – cooking, heating and enjoyment are the most obvious.

This incredible idea, so simple and cheap, would allow you to do all of that without having to spend a lot of time (or none at all) making it and get the same results as a more elaborate and expensive fire pit get-up.

While I would love to be smart enough to make my own out of bricks or rich enough to buy one made of stone, the reality is I am neither, which is why this idea makes so much sense!

One idea I came up with for the 15 gallon galvanized tub is to bury it, leaving about 8 inches above ground – that would make it truly a “pit” and would give it more of that “fire-pit” feel.

How would you improve upon this? Tell us below.


  1. Calico Jack said:

    What’s the purpose of the exterior high heat treated paint job???

  2. Chad Mathis said:

    That tub was not just “Silver” it is galvanized steel. The fumes from burning galvanize steel her highly and extremely toxic! Please research it!!!


