Preppers: Forget the Stuff, Instead Focus on Working on Your Skills

compass and survival knife

Sure, Having The Right Stuff For When SHTF Is Important, But Don't Forget About Your Skills In The Process. THESE Skills Is Ultimately What's Going To Keep You Alive!

The first instinct of most survival minded people is to start stockpiling food, gear, materials and supplies and not to stop until the money or space for storing stuff runs out.

Some would even say we are borderline hoarders.

But what good is stockpiling stuff if the survival situation or SHTF moment extends beyond the supplies we have put aside?

In that case, we will have to implement an entirely different set of skills; skills that most survivalists know only peripherally, if at all.

For example, do you know how to modify your water heater to provide hot water for yourself if you furnace will not work or the power is out?

To see some of the skill sets, you should master along with your storing supplies, materials and equipment, check out the next page.

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