Practice These Winter Survival Skills: Bushcraft Edition

Survival in the winter can be a daunting process, but it is doable if you have the proper skills.

Winter survival brings its own challenges and risks. Not only are you contending with having to find shelter from the elements, locating food, keeping dry, etc., but in addition, winter survival means you will also have to deal with the cold – snow, ice, wind chill, etc.

You also will likely have to contend with a snow-masked terrain, frozen over waterways, difficulty collecting water, a food deprived if not barren landscape, hypothermia and even in extreme environments, blizzards, avalanches and freezing to death.

A skilled survivalist can with practice, master the skills needed to survive in the winter and do so in relative comfort.

We're going to show you specific winter survivalist skills you can practice and master on the following page!


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