Forgotten Plants You Should Consider Using for Food… That Came From Past Ancestors

weeds between stones

When you peruse the produce section of the grocery store, you likely stick to about ten staples, give or take. That's the case for most Americans.

In the produce section, there are likely 100-200 varieties of fruits and vegetables, depending on the store, making it understandable that many people don't realize just how many edible plants exist in the world.

There are around 20,000 edible plant species in the world, yet 20 make up 90% of the food industry. The popular foods change, and in the past, there was a lot more plant variety in people's diets, even though most of these plants were acquired through foraging and gardening.

If you want a truly successful garden and to experience some terrific foods, you should turn to the staples of the past for inspiration. Check out a few of them on the next page.

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  1. Paula Jean Filipponi said:

    If I had time to study these plants I would consider eating them, however, eat one poisonous plant and your a goner!

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