Is Your Vehicle Ready For A Survival Situation? Things You NEED To Know..

During an emergency, your vehicle is going to be your go-to mode of transportation. That's why it's important for you to think ahead and fully equip your car or truck with everything you'll need to keep it running and prevent additional hiccups from hindering your plans. You might have a spare tire in your trunk, and if you do, that's great. You should have one. But before you get all tire changing happy, let's be sure you know and understand all of your options that are both budget friendly and safety conscious.

Have you ever been on a windy dirt road on your way or coming from a destination when you see someone stranded at the side of the road with their car? It's a difficult situation to be in. As the victim, you're hopeful someone will stop and offer to help you out. As a passerby you're probably weighing out your options and thinking about your own safety.

See what steps you can make to prepare your car like a true survivalist on the next page. 


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