(VIDEO) Petroleum Jelly is VERY Beneficial to Your Survival. Just How Useful? Watch This!

petroleum jelly hack

For preppers and survivalists, one of most essential priorities is fire. Without fire, we cannot cook our food, we cannot boil our water, and we have to rely on other means to stay warm and keep predators at bay.

Because of its importance, most people carry more than one fire starting method on them whenever they go into the wilderness or whenever they are packing their bug out bag. These methods are usually: lighter, matches, and spark rods.

While this is a great habit to get into, another great habit is to carry reliable tinder, so you don't have to worry about damp materials if you find yourself in a SHTF situation.

One of the easiest remedies to carrying tinder is the use of petroleum jelly and cotton balls. It's not all hype; check out the video on the next page to see just how effective it can be.

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