One of the Most Important Things Every Person Needs to be Doing NOW to Get Ready for the Collapse


Many preppers read books, articles, and watch videos all about plants, animals, supplies they should gather and what kind of food they should have. However, these aren't the only things you should do to make sure you are well prepared.

If you know where you are going to bug out to, you will also be better prepared for anything. It may even be what saves your life so you can keep going!

Every prepper needs to do this one step:

As you can see and perhaps either understand partially or relate to entirely, there are many who, when faced with the only option, of having to leave their home, still do not know what to do, where to go, and how to arrive there. My first piece of advice is this:

Combat the uncertainties by being well-organized and formulating tentative plans as far in advance as you can.

When a SHTF event comes to pass it will take years…perhaps even decades…for society to return to “normal,” if it does so at all.

Eventually, no matter how well-ensconced or remote we are, we may all have to become “nomads” and refugees, living each day as it comes, until we can meet up with like-minded others to form some kind of societal organization. This is why I continuously recommend “pop-culture” disaster and collapse movies and series for observation…to understand the realities of what we will be facing when the SHTF.

By seeing these situations that are similar to what we will face, we have a better understanding of the way societal collapses occur. I highly recommend the nonfiction works of Jared Diamond, such as “Guns, Germs, and Steel,” “The Third Chimpanzee,” and “Collapse,” for in-depth studies and analyses that delve into things deeply from a social and anthropological perspective. The first work characterizes driving forces of disease and warfare, the second is an anthropological treatise on man and his history and nature, and the third takes models of societies that have collapsed and explores the underlying reasons for their downfall.

My final piece of advice regarding these studies: Do not discount what is possible merely because it is improbable.

Has it happened before? It is written that nothing new is under the sun, and what has happened will happen again, just not remembered from when it happened before, in a nutshell. How close is it to happening? What plans do you have in place if you are going to defend where you live, or if you have to run? Have you examined the types of situations you may face at home or on the run, factors such as marauders, a hostile government, a plague, or an area that has been rendered radioactive?

Study nonfiction to learn what situations have arisen, and study the fiction to see what will arise in the future. You can best prepare by immersing yourself in study, familiarizing yourself with the situations that can arise, and either as an individual or as a family unit coming up with plans to follow that can smooth things out.

Many of us put some amount of planning into everything we do from how we will get to work, to what we will eat for dinner. However, planning for any possible scenario that might happen during a collapse is very important.

Planning will ensure that no one will panic and everyone will know where they should go, how they are going to get there and what to do when they get there. Planning is the key to helping you survive no matter what!

To learn more about how to plan for any situation when SHTF, visit Ready Nutrition.


  1. Anonymous said:

    How about defining SHTF somewhere in your text! I wish people that wrote these things actually completed an English writing class!

  2. Chris C Williams said:

    When$#%&!@*Hits The Fan asshat…….. By the sounds of it, you’re hitting this subject a little late if you’re not familiar with SHTF Bruce E. Haddad…… Well at least you weren’t a sheep until the end.

  3. Mark Clark said:

    No need to bother at this point if you are behind the curve. The pendulum has already come to a stopping point. The train has arrived at the station and if your weren’t there to get on you missed it. Sorry that you were among the 95% beer in the fridge / bills are paid bunch. So life is good crowd, with limited brain power.

  4. Joseph Tracy said:

    Well not living in a city is a good start and also living where food comes from wouldn’t be a bad idea either I always see these people think they’re going to go live out in the desert or something I think that’s hilarious

  5. Holton H Henry said:

    I am adding this little tidbit for those that THINK they have it covered , Attitude , prepping is all fine and dandy but if your survival is dependant on what you have amassed then you are as doomed as those that have done nothing .Having never been forced into a SHTF survival situation I don’t know how I will do and neither do hardened preppers , if you watched the movie The Road , the father, and son find a farm house and the owners have killed themselves , they had a bunker loaded with food, and fuel , why did they commit suicide ?

  6. Holton H Henry said:

    Once more , Attitude . Three days no water , forty days no food , start with water.

  7. Charles Chapman said:

    Get in shape…the most important skill a person can have, without it you won’t be able to survive for long. All the skills needed to survive take energy, mobility and strength.

  8. Michael Parker said:

    Am I the only person who finds the information on this thing pretty useless? I always have to read through 5 pages of run on sentences with no actual discussion of its topic till the bitter end, and it’s always something like yeah do this common sense thing that every prepper would otherwise know unless your a idiot?

  9. Lori Duncan said:

    Couldn’t deal with the reality and unknown future, would be my guess. Can you imagine how many will commit suicide because they cut off from their social networks? I get what your saying…you’ve got to be prepared mentally and emotionally.

  10. Mark Clark said:

    Apparently Hollywood has caused you to see in one dimension. While some of us have seen it on the ground in places you couldn’t pronounce. I do hope your able to find someone who who has knowledge of your direction.

  11. Phil Steen said:

    The people that you can pull together in a time of crisis will mean the difference between survival and death. You can hoard all the resources in the world, but as a solo actor you are doomed. Only through a collective shield of talents can we as a people survive to see the final battle. I love Americans who thrive to survive.

  12. Holton H Henry said:

    Mark Clark , apparently you only comprehended what fit you’re holier than thou attitude , why you hating on people less fortunate than yourself ? Surely with your broad range of experience . You could share your knowledge . But I don’t think you will , I sense hooray for me and$#%&!@*you . But anyway thanks for your less than beneficial input, and Thank you for your service . As for my direction I never stated I was unknowledgeable I stated I have never been put in a SHTF survival situation , I like to think I will do fine but again It has never arose.


