Off Grid Toothpaste You Can Get From Nature

We brush our teeth for a few good reasons. It's hygienic (most importantly), removes food, improves our breath, whitens our teeth, and prevents us from going through the pain and agony of tooth decay.

As survivalists we have to consider what we will use once our tube(s) of toothpaste has been used-up. Dental hygiene is all important, especially since – if the grid were to ever go down – getting to a dentist may pose a significant challenge.

There is an alternative, something our ancestors knew about but has sadly been lost over the years with the convenience of Colgate © and Pepsodent ©. It's known as “the toothbrush tree”. It’s a small evergreen shrub that grows in the hotter areas of the world.

To learn more we urge you to go on over to page two and get some facts about this new form of toothpaste.

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  1. Derrick Lee Bruso said:

    Are you $#%&!@*ing serious ?!you call yourself a survivalist ?!worried about $#%&!@*ing toothpaste ,get a $#%&!@*ing clue you losers !!!!!if they’re telling you about toothpaste you’re probably not in a real survival situation are you ?!!

  2. Derek Renfroe said:

    Interesting read. Would need to read up on some more sources. The other option is to load up on plenty of toothbrushes and travel size toothpastes. Neither really go “bad.” Baking soda may be used if toothpaste runs out as well. I’m not sure how prevalent these may be in nature and certainly wouldn’t be available in the event of a blackout. The other consideration regarding these is that long term storage would most likely result in the items being too dried out to use. I’d have to read up on the reviews and recommendations regarding use after long term storage. I do know that Native Americans used similar methods of cleaning their teeth. Small, dried and stripped corn cobs that have been softened may also be used as primitive style toothbrushes. They don’t really have any disinfectant properties but may be used in a pinch (and are readily available).


