NASA is Preparing for an Asteroid Impact. They Claim: ‘It’s going to happen’

asteroid impact


We harp on preparation excessively and there is a good reason for that. There are enough problems in our world, foreign and domestic, to make a reasonable man and woman realize a SHTF scenario is forthcoming.

Nevertheless, there are other things to consider, from here and afar, when it comes to prepping.

Think about the “Tunguska Event.” A large explosion occurred near the Stony Tunguska River, in Yeniseysk Governorate, Russia, on the morning of 30 June 1908. It flattened forest land and the explosion is generally credited to the air burst of a meteoroid.

If anyone had been living close they could have been in big trouble but, as it was, Russia never reported anyone dying. Take that for what it is.

Could we be in line for an asteroid impact? NASA itself is not saying it’s an impossibility which makes many preppers think it’s time to not just concentrate on surviving the evil of foreign powers but a natural disaster from outer space!

Go to page two to learn more!

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  1. Daniel Sims said:

    Every year about a dozen or so claim asteroid impacts, EMP’s, Volcanoes covering the earth in fire & ash, earthquakes that will breakup continents, or aliens coming to invade our privacy…. again.

  2. Danny Smitley said:

    NASA didn’t say$#%&!@*about “It’s going to happen”. This is stupid$#%&!@*propaganda that Die Hard Survivor is spreading because they are incapable of doing anything resembling research.

  3. Adam Montaña said:

    I’m leaving this group because of this bogus propaganda yet again…and I just joined the group this morning..

  4. Johnathan Humbers said:

    Duh it’s gonna eventually happen. We have a thing called the asteroid belt. That not a fraction of what’s out their

  5. Casey Widener said:

    If something like this were to really happen then the best preparation you could make would be to put your head between your legs and kiss your$#%&!@*goodbye.

  6. Wade Slattery said:

    That’s what they say to the other half of the world that’s not gettin nuked.

  7. James Pennington said:

    LOL,,,,,,Will you please notify us in time to worry, I mean isn’t that what your looking for. Morons.

  8. Justin Hugh Garver said:

    According to their web page, they intend upon using rocket powered robots to catch a near earth asteroid in the moon’s gravitational pull so they can pull a multi-ton boulder off it and bring it to earth. It says something about the time frame of 2020, they don’t say anything however about us getting hit by one.

  9. K Alan Line said:

    North Korea would be a great place for it to hit. If a hit is going to happen.

  10. Buck Fuller said:

    No reason it has to , if there was a NEO coming our way of significant size, we should be able to break it up into many pieces before it comes to earth , or even knock it out of its path to the sun so the sun could draw it in and eat it. We could do all this via lasers. Ones that we have here on planet and those which no one talks about anymore that have been up in our atmosphere since the 1980s star wars programs. Activate them shitz and give me an Atari joystick is all I’m sayin’. I’ll play centipede all day breaking up that asteroid. Boom… problem solved….next!!!

    Mic drop

  11. Buck Fuller said:

    No reason it has to , if there was a NEO coming our way of significant size, we should be able to break it up into many pieces before it comes to earth , or even knock it out of its path to the sun so the sun could draw it in and eat it. We could do all this via lasers. Ones that we have here on planet and those which no one talks about anymore that have been up in our atmosphere since the 1980s star wars programs. Activate them shitz and give me an Atari joystick is all I’m sayin’. I’ll play centipede all day breaking up that asteroid. Boom… problem solved….next!!!

    Mic drop

  12. Clint Mock said:

    Get ready for what, if an object that large hits the planet, there is nowhere to hide, live for today folks

  13. James Clifford said:

    The prepped movement is all about grabbing your money… 1st you ain’t going nowhere..Roads will be locked down. 2nd you didn’t prep.. you bought crap … You don’t know what weeds to eat, how to fight or make gun powder etc…. Stop giving away your money…

  14. Robert Green said:

    This is an asshat reporting agency that just chortles every time it posts its Bull $#%&!@*!!!!

  15. Cliff Woods said:

    It’s a matter of time when one hits earth. Not much we can do about it.
    May not happen in my life time, hell it could be a 1000 years before a huge one hits, but to post$#%&!@*like this is BS!

  16. Graham Wright said:

    Look at the moon the craters got there by by being hit & the earth is a lot bigger . It will happen , there are craters on our planet but no one can predict when the big one will hit .

  17. Pablo Londono said:

    If that is the size no need to prepare. Gather your loved ones, buy extremely delicious food, and enjoy it.

  18. Rich Kammler said:

    It’s happened many times in the past. asteroids have struck every planet in our solar system to think that won’t happen here again is about as stupid as you can get

  19. Randy Reed said:

    Well maybe it’s time for humanity’s rein of terror to end and give this planet a chance.

  20. Bruce Carleton said:

    Well, somebody’s obviously lying. NASA had nothing to do with this ridiculous story.

  21. Benson Link Mccloud said:

    A delusion is a belief that is held with strong conviction despite superior evidence to the contrary. As a pathology, it is distinct from a belief based on false or incomplete information, confabulation, dogma, illusion, or other effects of perception.

  22. Brandon Henderson said:

    First of all NASA wouldn’t say such things second the odds are so low of it happening within our life time on this scale that you would most likely stand a better chance of getting hit by lightning 6 times in a year


