The list of “must-have” bug-out supplies, materials and equipment seems to grow faster than weeds in my garden!
Every week it seems, more ideas for bug-out bag items emerge; here are a few more!
Battery Adapters: These could turn out to be very useful in an emergency situation. If we need a C size battery and all we have are double A’s, something like this could be the difference between having a flashlight or just a fancy candle holder.
I haven’t tested these out yet but they are on the way. One of the things I love about running Survivalist Prepper is that I can talk Lisa into letting me buy stuff like this in the name of research.
Solar Charger: There are all sorts of different solar chargers, and it all depends on your needs. There are smaller ones for charging devices like phones and tablets, to larger ones that will work with smaller household appliances.
My preference when it comes to solar charging is Goal Zero, but there are some cheaper alternatives on eBay. Just keep in mind, you get what you pay for. The last thing you want is to think you are covered only to have your sullies fail.
I recently did a video about one of the lower cost solar chargers that you can view here.
Survival Slingshot: This was brought to my attention from a member of the Apoco-List and just look fun! I plan on making my own in the future and when I do I will post the video.These can be useful for hunting small game and would be easier to carry than a .22 long rifle. You could also keep something like this in your car and not risk Johnny Law flipping out on you.
Heated Gloves: Most of us probably have hand warmers and it’s not a good idea to depend on technology for our survival, but these are pretty cool.
I have a pair of these and they work great, although right now they are more of a comfort item
Camp Grill: What I like about this GrilliPut Duo is its compact size, although it isn’t an actual camp stove it might still come in handy if you had to dig a small fire pit.
I put this on my wish list because of its cost and because this is something I can test out while camping and see how it works.
Pocket Chinsaw: This is a little more bulky than the typical wire saw some of us have in out bug out bags, but depending on your situation you might need something a little heartier.
If you plan on doing a lot of building shelter or practicing your wilderness survival skills, this might come in handy.
Spigot Key: If you click the spigot key link you can read the post from GeekPrepper about why this 4-way Sillcock tool will be useful in an urban area. Here is what he wrote about it…
“You’ll find restricted water many places. Next time you are out, start looking on the exterior walls of businesses, Malls, large buildings and even rest stops and you’ll quickly notice the secure restricted water spigots. All it takes is one inexpensive tool to make that restricted water accessible to you all.”
I have had to implement a “one-for-one” strategy with my bug-out bag – for every item I add, I have to subtract one item of comparable survival worth.
This list of useful equipment will likely make me pick a few existing bug-out bag items for storage.
To learn more ideas for bug-out bag items, please visit Survivalist Prepper.
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