Meteor Crater in Arizona Reminds Us of Potential Asteroid Impact Dangers


No, it’s not a happy thought. People have worried about a meteor strike on Earth for ages. But can we survive? How would we prepare?

Preparedness For A Meteor Strike
Okay, there’s not much that we can do to prepare for a meteor the likes of the mega-rock that hit the Earth at the Yucatan Peninsula in Mexico which apparently ended the dinosaurs.
An extinction level meteor strike will simply be bad luck. Bye bye…
What about a lesser meteor? The question is, how much lesser? There’s a threshold at which the effects become much more than local. What if one strikes a major population area? Obviously there’s no point in preparedness if you’re “on the X”.
A large meteor (but not an extinction level meteor) might result in a massive amount of ejecta material being launched into the upper atmosphere (similar to a major or super-volcano eruption?) and might result in a semi-darkening of the sky for a long period of time and a cooling of the surface until all of the particulate matter falls back to earth.
So, preparedness for such an event might include a very deep pantry to last well beyond one growing season. Prices of food will increase or skyrocket depending on the resultant climate disruption from the impact. A deep supply of seeds for subsequent planting (and failures) until crops can be re-established.
The good thing is that the odds of a catastrophic asteroid/meteor strike are pretty low at any given time. There’s no reason to be particularly overly concerned about such outlier events. That said, “IF” it were to occur (on a large enough scale), it could be extremely devastating. This is often the case with risk assessment. The risk may seemingly be very low, but the catastrophe could be very high.

We are always pleased to hear about the odds being low when it comes to a catastrophic meteor strike but that does not mean it cannot happen. We suppose, in the end, we just need to prep as we always have. If we are not affected others will be and, if there is major damage all over the world supplies will not be readily available. It just makes sense.

To read more go to Modern Survival Blog.

It may sound like a silly platitude but, in the end, we will just have each other. Be good to one another before and after such disasters. That way, when it happens you will not be alone and will have help when matters really become serious! Having friends and family around during any disaster can only be a good thing.


