May the Force be With You: Survival Tips You Can Take Away From ‘Star Wars’

Star Wars stormtroopers

We grew up with Star Wars and love that the movies can teach us many great lessons. With humor and insight, check out the following Star Wars survival tips!

Never Underestimate Any Animal or Person Who is Smaller Than You. When you are hunting for food or dealing with a hostile human, you might be lulled into a false sense of security if your opponent appears to be much smaller and weaker than you.
As the Ewoks proved on the Forest Moon of Endor, though, size is not necessarily indicative of intelligence, strength or the ability to utilize one’s home field advantage.
Therefore, always be cautious and respect the particular skillset of any animal or person. After all, even a squirrel could inflict damage upon you if you fail to take the situation seriously.

Always Have Your Back-Up Shelter Well-Stocked. The Rebel Alliance had to switch bases frequently, but you never heard anyone complaining about being hungry or not having enough supplies.
This is because the Rebels knew how critical it was to keep each base properly stocked, and they also kept their most important supplies with them at all times. Preppers who adopt the same approach will have a much easier time comfortably riding out any type of emergency.

Treat Your Weapons with Respect. Whether you are a newbie or a seasoned veteran with your weapons, you must always treat them with the proper level of respect in order to avoid any accidental injuries.
Imagine what would have happened in the first “Star Wars” movie if Luke had turned his lightsaber on a few seconds earlier.
Instead of being the central character of the original trilogy, Luke would have become the poster child for what happens when people fail to be cautious and respectful of their weapons.

Listen to the Wisdom of Others. Allowing impatience or pride to get in the way of listening to the other members of your family or survival team could quickly lead to catastrophic mistakes. Han Solo failed to listen to C-3PO when the droid was trying to tell him that the Millennium Falcon’s hyperdrive was broken, and this put everyone in danger. C-3PO made the same mistake when he tried to convince R2-D2 to stop working on the hyperdrive.
Ultimately, you need to be willing to listen to the wisdom of others if you want to survive when the SHTF. This includes taking advice right now from survival experts.

•Functionality is More Important than Looks

In the words of everyone’s favorite scruffy-looking nerf herder, “She may not look like much, but she’s got it where it counts, kid.”

In other words, your survival gear, house and bug out cabin should be practical and capable of serving their basic functions as opposed to merely being aesthetically-appealing and expensive.

The above is not just amusing but also pretty thought-provoking! We saw how those Ewoks, who were survivalists in extreme, were able to bring down the Empire’s big walkers and the Stormtroopers. They might be little, however because they knew the way of the land, they were able to come out strong!

All you Star Wars and survivalist fans can come away with more tips on Patriot Caller. And “May the force be with you!”



