Make This Cross Functional Paracord Bag: Step By Step Instructions


This type of bag is ideal for camping, storing stuff and would be very handy if you were faced with a situation where durable, lightweight baggage is key (like a hike.)

Because you are using several lengths of cord, you could also use different colored paracord to give it some aesthetic appeal.

Prepare the base

Take a piece of thick wire of about 32 inch.
Make a ring of it.

Bend the ends so they could hook together.
Now take the remainder piece of cord and double it up.
Then twist it around the wire and tie the two ends of cord with a loose knot.


Tie all 20 pieces of cord to the base/drawstring in a lark's head knot.

Take one of your 90 inch cords, fold it in half, then take the looped end and put it behind the wire/base cord. Then bend it down over the wire, and draw the hanging end through the loop. Then pull it tight. (see pictures)

Do that for all the rest of the cords, spaced an inch or two apart

As you get further down, start spacing the knots a little bit farther apart.

When your knot rows get near the bottom, start decreasing the distance between knots to decrease the size of the base, until you can't any more. Then, start skipping pairs of cord.

Unhook the metal ring and slide it out.

Untie the original loose knot and make a stronger one near the end.


Take a small piece of same cord (about 35 cm).

Place it below the drawstring and make a sliding square knot.

Pricing this out, the average cost for the paracord is about $15, although you can get it more inexpensively, depending on the quality paracord you use. The largest investment is taking the time to make it.

This amazing drawstring, paracord bag would be ideal for storing or lugging stuff while camping or on a trip to the beach, but also would be very handy in a survival situation if you had to travel and needed a compact and durable holder for clothes, towels, etc.

For more information on this and other projects like this, please visit Instructables.


  1. Justin Goltz said:

    Great idea, although the directions are a little lacking in the specifics

  2. Megan Augustine said:

    also, keep tagging me in things you like I need ideas for christmas presents lol

  3. Karl Burditt said:

    It’s macrame, same ideals and directions and plans from the 70s using a different type of cordage lol it’s a macrame plant hanger if you really want to find out about it.


