Make This Bushcraft Knife Only Using Simple Tools

file to knite

Getting through a survival situation requires ingenuity and the ability to make do with what you have on hand.

In this case, that includes re-purposing used up tools to handcraft a knife.

Knowing how to make your own tools or weapons, should a SHTF moment or survival situation arise, is a key skill that all of us should learn and master.

In this case, an old file is annealed, cut, honed and then tempered to make a knife.

Each step is accomplished by using hand tools and equipment you probably have lying around somewhere right now.

Being able to make your own knives, even if it requires a little elbow grease, is just one of the many skills needed to make it through a long-term survival situation.

On the next page, learn how to make your own knives.

Via Instructables

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  1. Clay Nroht said:

    I’ve made in lots of knives out of files with the picture sort of looks like a spear point…


