Learning How to Cook With Mud Like in the Olden Days

camp fire and pot

You can cook with mud no matter where you're staying at, but you will need to find a source of water first. Check out the instructions below to learn how to cook with mud during a survival moment or while you're bugging out:

Make mud the proper consistency first. This is rather simple and you need to find earth by a river or stream. Dig the mud up loosely and add water till the consistency is sticky. Sticky enough to allow you to pack it around the items you intend to cook. The mud should stay on the foods and not drip off.

The mud pack around the item you intend to bake should be about ½ inch all the way around.

The fire should be burnt down to a good bed of glowing coals.

Place the mud packed foods gently on the coals and bake for 15 minutes or until the mud hardens. Once you notice the mud is hard enough, turn or roll over the items. Allow them to bake uniformly through without burning the food. You can also cover the items with hot coals rather than turning them.

Potatoes, turnips, carrots, parsnips and such vegetables take about 45 minutes to an hour to cook, depending on the size. Small trout and warm water fish, take about 40 minutes.

When the food is cooked, take it out of the coals and lay it on the ground. Allow the food to cool for about five minutes before you remove the crust. You can break the mud crust off using by striking it with a rock or using your knife.

Many of the survival skills we're rediscovering are really the same skills are ancestors knew centuries ago. It just proves that survival skills are timeless and should be shared with future generations. This is an excellent skill that not only will be great to know when SHTF, but it may also come in handy while you're bugging out!

For more on how to cook with mud like in the older days, check out Prepper's Will.


  1. Ken Johnson said:

    Roasting with clay is pretty common, and used with poultry supposedly takes the feathers off when removed.


