Learn How To Grow Your Own Food With A Green Roof And Save Space!

Although green roofs have been around for generations they are now showing a motivating resurgence in popularity.

A green roof is a “living roof”, often including eatable plants, which may completely or just moderately cover a building. Some people add soil, plants and seeds directly to the roof, almost like imbedding said seeds and plants into the rich ground. But, it’s important to know, there will have to be drainage and a type of material to protect the roof and inside ceiling from water damage.

While initially a bit pricey, a green roof will eventually pay for itself in great dividends, which will be discussed on page two. But remember, a rooftop garden will be hotter, baked with more sun than a regular garden, so a more drought resistant plants may be required. Finding a professional, who knows about sun roofs, may be a good option.

Original Image Source: Arlington County

Please go to page two to learn more about this fascinating alternative to a typical backyard garden!

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