Learn How To Dehydrate Butter Substitutes For Storage

One of the most acute challenges of any survival situation is losing the “creature comforts” we have grown accustomed to and often take for granted.

Unfortunately, many of these comforts are not easily preserved or replicated, unless you have a lot of land, livestock, or have done a lot of prepping in advance.

Butter is one such item – in a long-term survival situation, even if you grow your own vegetables, meat, etc., you are probably not going to have a dairy cow hanging around.

If the situation is dire enough – say a massive power grid failure, bartering for dairy products like butter is not likely to be an easy task.

Experimentation is critical to being able to preserve different foodstuffs and on the next page, we cover several attempts to dehydrate butter and end up with a product that actually tastes like and has the texture of butter.


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