Keep a Get Home Bag Ultralight by Following This List

man with backpack and binoculars

Some may think we are over thinking much of this list but that is not necessarily true. You will want to think of where you go, the things you do, how far (estimate) you will be from home on a regular basis, and the supplies it will take you get there. Take a look:

Fire stuff: a bit on the overkill side, but it weighs virtually nothing:
Fine steel wool and a 9v battery.
Storm matches, mini bic, and commercial tinder
Magnesium/Ferro bar
Another bic – This one in my pocket
Credit card Fresnel lens

Food and refreshment cache:
Three MREs – packaging removed, sealed in vacuum bags. A bit on the heavy side, BUT: They heat themselves without fire and are calorie heavy.
Four dehydrated chicken soup packets.
1 dozen packets of good dehydrated coffee.
Two plastic sporks. No biggee if lost or broken: a spoon or chopsticks can be whittled from wood.
I’m thinking I should add a few packets of Gatorade powder too.

Health & Comfort –
Didn’t know what else to call this group…..
Two pair clean wool/Dacron socks
Some moleskin
Ace bandage stuff
A pair of earplugs
A N95 particulate mask
Two cotton bandannas
Mylar survival blanket
Wool sweater

Tools to get from here to there, and to see where you’re going and who’s around.
Mini binoculars 7X
Tradition compass
Wrist compass

For more information, including supplies such as, weapons, knives and tools, and water – go to The The Prepper Journal.

Again, some of this may seem like we are going overboard on the supply list, especially if you are not so far from home, but if you are a business person, a man and women who takes frequent flights for their job or someone who lives in the country but spends most of the day in the city, this actually may not be enough!

And, once again, you just never know exactly where you will be when chaos hits. Overpacking could very well keep you alive before you get home!


