It’s Post Collapse and You’re About to Get Attacked. Here’s How to Go Up Against Multiple Assailants.

getting in a fight

Fighting one person is hard enough, and if you don't do it correctly you may very well end up with serious injuries or worse. Fighting multiple assailants, on the other hand, is incredibly difficult. But it's not impossible if you follow the tips below.

Tactics for Fighting Multiple Opponents
First off, it is generally unwise to engage with multiple opponents, and it is probably best to flee (if you have been paying attention to your surroundings, hopefully you’ve already planned a good route of escape before the dangerous situation presents itself!). However, this is not always an option. Perhaps your opponents stand between you and your only escape or a potential weapon; maybe a loved one (or even just an innocent bystander) is in danger. For whatever reason, it is now necessary to engage more than one opponent.
Whether you are fighting two people or twenty, there are two basic principles for engaging multiple opponents at the same time: 1) Do not position yourself between two or more opponents, and 2) Do not let yourself get taken to the ground.
Utilize the Circling Technique to Neutralize One Threat at a Time
First, your location and placement is everything: the least safe place to be and the fastest way to lose a fight is in the middle of multiple people who want to hurt you. You can only effectively fight in one direction. Life isn’t a kung fu movie and you won’t knock two people out with a flying split kick. If you do find yourself in the unfortunate situation of being in the middle of multiple attackers, fight your way towards the edge of the crowd immediately.
Second, you can only effectively fight one person at a time.
So, we don’t want to be surrounded by our opponents and we want to set it up so that we only have to fight one combatant at a time. How do we do this?
To accomplish this, you need to get your opponents lined up. So, in a situation where you are fighting two people, one should be in front of you and the other one should be behind the one immediately in front of you. This way, as you apply your techniques to one opponent, the other can’t harm or disrupt you.
Now the funny thing about bad guys is that they don’t really do what you want them to do (without influence on your part) and will not line up for you to fight one at a time. That is why we have to apply the concept of circling.
As the altercation begins, pick one opponent that you want to engage first (generally you will want to pick whoever is closest to you). Now circle around him so that the other opponent is directly behind the one you picked first. Then engage with the one in front. When the guy behind him tries to step around his friend to engage you, circle the same direction as he steps so that the guy you are fighting is always between you and his buddy who wants to help double-team you.
This tactic will allow you to fight one guy at a time and beat him down, and can potentially even cause the guy behind the one you are fighting to launch a wild strike, and he may end up striking his buddy or becoming tangled up with him.
Don’t Let Yourself Get Taken to the Ground
In addition to keeping yourself from ever getting between two or more opponents by using the circling technique, you also need to try to avoid getting taken to the ground, where you will get pounded on by multiple people. If you do get taken to the ground, get to your feet as quickly as possible and make your way to the edge of the crowd so you can start circling again. This technique will also work if your opponents are armed with knives, clubs, even firearms to a small extent. If that is the case, though, you better work fast or be finding that escape.

One benefit to fighting multiple assailants is the fact that they will often be arrogant and over-confident, making it easier to control their movements by circling, due to the fact that they often won't be paying attention to your actions.

Keep in mind your goals of not being brought to the ground and not being surrounded. Follow those tips, and use your surroundings, and you should have no problem of outmatching your assailants.

For more tips on how to fight multiple assailants, go to Art of Manliness.


  1. Michael Baumer said:

    I have the same training but you need to stay in touch with your mind control

  2. Matt DiStefano said:

    Its worth checking out your local y, also some gyms have basics classes that aren’t advertised outside the gym, and a lot of colleges have classes as well. You should be able to find something that fits your schedule. Or if you know someone who does take classes have them show you the basics, get a heavy bag and work on it.

  3. Ragnarok Dabeav said:

    Just go for the eyes, throat and genitals, keep moving and exit quickly as soon as possible…and keep a knife on your person at all times

  4. Edward Grant said:

    When the SHTF you might want to think about a few things, no grocery stores, no electricity, no running water and money will be worthless. Let that sink in for a minute and think about how ignorant people act during a riot or small natural disaster. If you think that guns are not the answer you will be among the people who will get raped, beaten, robbed for what you do have and/or killed. People will turn on each other due to their own desire to feed their own family or themselves, not to mention the people who just get off on killing or harming someone else. Your neighbors, friends and even family could turn on you just as easily. Do not say that none of this will happen to you because it has happened in the past and it is currently going on in other countries due to their economic collapses. The only reason you do not know about it is because it is not on main stream news outlets. The only people who will survive are the people who are willing to use deadly force in order to survive. Hand to hand combat will do nothing for you when the other person has a gun. Do not forget that America has the most heavily armed populous in the word and not to mention all the gang members who have access to illegal firearms. Sorry to pop those feel good bubbles but you need to get real and arm yourselves!

  5. Alex Ransom Hedden said:

    I think he might have been referring to people who are shooting others criminally and not those who may do it for self defense.

  6. Alex Ransom Hedden said:

    Arms yourselves yes, but I don’t think anyone here condones actively seeking out others to shoot just because SHTF has presented them the ability to do so without legal implications.

  7. Guy Lundgren said:

    Survival does not mean shooting other people! If you choose to stay in a city you will either be burned out by a mob that assumes you have EVERYTHING they want or you will be rounded up and put in a FEMA Camp. I live in the sticks and know my neighbors well but if the SHTF I plan to fall back to remote areas with tons of game and fish and water and wood and few if any people. I do not know why you would stay in a city and fight for a spot that will not sustain you without all the things that will no longer exist!

  8. Guy Lundgren said:

    The idea is to leave the city BEFORE the horror starts! There is a resort or campground or motel not to far from your city that you could pack up and move to just to watch and see if it really has hit the fan… if not go home after things quiet… if so you’re miles ahead of the unprepared mobs who want your stuff! Don’t be caught on the wrong side of the bridge or tunnel when they jam the HWYs! I know a couple guys who have a cheap storage locker in BFE that they maintain…

  9. Guy Lundgren said:

    Would $5 worth of gas burn you out of your house and right into the waiting mobs grasp?

  10. Alex Ransom Hedden said:

    If SHTF happens I’m not going to head outside and seek people to shoot cause “they might take ma stuff” or “can’t trust em” I will arm myself I protect me and my wife.

  11. Guy Lundgren said:

    How many days without anything would it take before those smelling bacon coming from your spot decide that you have more than your share?! We can’t possibly know what events will take place but having options is always the best solution! Shooting people for poor planning seems like more poor planning!

  12. Guy Lundgren said:

    The longer you stay near people in need the more of a target you become!

  13. Edward Grant said:

    Not sure what that statement has to do with my comment since I never said anything about staying put in a house? Staying put in a house in any populated area is a death sentence no matter how well you think your home is secure. The only way a home may be secure enough to stay in is if you are in a very, very remote area but even that could be compromised at some point. Sadly there will be very few places that would be safe if any. Gorilla warfare tactics is you best bet for survival when the SHTF!


