It’s Crazy How Many Uses Straws Have, Like Starting a Fire – Sounds Impossible, But it WORKS!

Drinking straws

Using a drinking straw to store useful camping or survival supplies is one of the coolest tricks you can use to maximize your storage potential. It will enable you to eliminate the space taken from various other containers and pack the same supplies in a much more compact container. To learn how to do this, watch this video.

One of the most space and weight-consuming areas of your camping and survival gear will be your kitchen supplies. What's cool about this trick is that you can pretty much eliminate all of the various containers, like spices and oils and soaps, and contain them to this tiny little container that can be reused and resealed every time you use a little bit for your cooking needs.

Using it to store fire starting materials is genius because it's waterproof and will likely prevent you from using too much of your fire starters in one go, thus making it last longer.

This is a great trick, and we can't wait to go out and start finding other things to store this way.


