Items a Survivalist Shouldn’t Throw Out

“You fight with the Army you have” is a mantra that dates back a substantial period of time. Before the Roman Empire, actually.

The same principal applies to preparing for unknown SHTF scenarios.

No matter how well prepared you are, there is always something unexpected that you did not prepare for. That is why it is critical to prepare for survival moment by utilizing every tool, material, and supply to its maximum potential.

What preparation like that means is that everything is fair game to be re-purposed, reused and restored, for future use. Luckily, you have a lot of it on hand, although many of the items we'll mention today may seem like common trash.

On the next page, we will list 8 critical things you need to stop throwing out immediately. And more importantly, if you do not have them, got get them so your stock is better off than the next guy's.


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