It Turns Out That How a Person Utilizes Their Property Might be Illegal


For as long as the United States has been a nation, there has been a struggle between some form of government and what property owners can do with their land.

It seems no matter where you live, some busy-body, bean-counter or technocrat is busy figuring out new ways to make sure you comply with their idea of “best practices,” even if those practices make no common sense.

The federal EPA, for instance, has prosecuted and fined people for altering what amounts to a drainage ditch, using the notion that eventually, even a drainage ditch spills into some waterway, making it EPA jurisdiction.

While undoubtedly those pushing this type of regulatory oversight have good intentions, their strict application of the underwriting law has literally caused millions of dollars, immense worry and anxiety – for not treating a ditch the way a bureaucrat thinks are best.

To read more on this topic, please check out the next page.

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  1. Scott Berry II said:

    If you can’t do something on your land, then it really isn’t your land

  2. William Roberts said:

    Also turns out if you get caught interfering with somebody on their own property, you may not leave said property.

  3. Guillermo Plascencia said:

    In some states you. Not even can’t cache. Rain water! !!! Land of the freedom.? ?? Only for politics.

  4. John Detherage said:

    Oh but it’s OK to Frak it up and cause earthquakes on everybody else’s land.

  5. Brandon Brennan said:

    This is Amon my primary concerns when I am told and that I served for, a FREE country….. Especially when my plans involve no one outside my gate…


