[VIDEO] Is Your Bug-Out-Bag Equipped with THESE Improvised Survival Weapons?

This video is badass! He covers things you wouldn't even think to use as a weapon. Very informative and applicable to real life SHTF scenarios. After watching this video you will definitely want to re-evaluate your bug-out-bag and your gear.

Preparing for SHTF situations is full of unknown elements. It could be a natural disaster like an earthquake or hurricane. It could be economic hardship, a community full of dire circumstances. And it could be food and water shortages. Moments like these will be difficult and can be hard on you and your family. But that's why preparing for the worse and honing in on your survivalist skills has gotten you this far in life.

Unfortunately, one of the other unknown elements is other people. We're not saying the neighbors you were once close with will suddenly turn on you. But when people are placed in extreme circumstances beyond their control, they can behave in a manner that is contradictory to their general day-to-day character. People can loot businesses and civilians. They can cause unnecessary harm during times of duress. And they can hurt you and your family.

At Die Hard Survivor, we do not condone violence of any sort.But when it comes to self defense and protecting ones family, we understand the importance of knowing your options, being prepared, and equipping yourself with the tools you need to survive. And some of those tools are weapons.

On page 2 we're going to show you some improvised weapons that could help save you and your loved ones lives. 


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  1. Josh said:

    I would add some zip ties. They’re light and when making weapons, they’re multi use. Plus, they’ll also fit in the altoids tin as well.

    • diehardsurvivor said:

      Agreed, Josh. Thanks for the recommendation!

  2. Travis said:

    most people would already have t in their bag but for the tool tin i would add a survival saw. one that can cut through wood, metal, pvc ect. so if you find some scrap metal laying around you can cut an arrow head or crude knife out of it and also (if there was room) a tube of superglue to help secure an arrowhead along with the aluminum wire and a little piece of 200, and 600 grit sand paper to sharpen said arrowheads and knife. those are the things off the top of my head

  3. Robert Henn said:

    That is a Hawwaian sling

  4. mark said:

    Might not fit in the can but I’d take along a deck of cards. You can find nails and pvc pipe everywhere, even if you have to demo a shower to get that nice long piece that attaches to the shower head, basically you make a cone from the cards that fits the diameter of the pipe and attach the cone to a nail with duct tape and you have a wicked blow gun. Flatten and sharpen the nail point for more effective penetration. Best part is you can usually get two cones out of one card depending on how big the pipe is.

  5. Lucy Mauterer said:

    Small can of wasp spray. Shoots unbelievably far and can be lit on fire as it sprays for a killer flame thrower.

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