Is USA Made Fire Steel a Good Choice for a Fire Starter?

fire starter

Finding a good fire starter is a bit like finding a lover; some will fizzle, some may get some sparks, but only one in a million will really ignite that fire. This fire starter is that one in a million. Find out more below.

I have seen a LOT of fire starters in my day and have tried many different kinds. This one takes the cake. What drew me to his booth was the amount of sparks I saw flying from one strike, but also the size of the sparks. They were HUGE!

They are USA hand made right here in Georgia, but also that their fire starters produce an amazing amount of 3000 degree sparks and their magnesium burns at 5000 degrees. WET or DRY and their larger rods give over 20,000 strikes!

Their scrapers are 1/4″ square high speed steel tool bits. You can actually use it to scrape wood shavings to use as tinder.

The fire starter in question is from the Georgia Fire Steel, and it really is something to behold. Not only does it get an impressive spray of sparks, but unlike most fire starters, it's actually quite nice to look at.

While this may not be a degree of measurement of usefulness to most preppers, it's still nice to treat yourself to something truly gorgeous once in awhile (which is why a lot of preppers have one or two good bottles of whiskey stashed for the hard times).

For more on this incredible fire starter, go to American Preppers Network.

One Comment;

  1. Randy Helms said:

    So by what brand name will these be on the store shelves and do you have an idea what stores will I find these.


