Is a Disaster Imminent? Oroville Dam May Fail and Residents Likely Would Not be Informed in Time.


Survival is more than waiting for the grid go down. There are real current survival situations going on every day, including earthquakes, tornadoes, and floods.

As it turns out the Oroville Dam is becoming a genuine disaster situation in the making and the sad part is the shoddy system of notification should the dam break!

Residents below the dam would have little to no information about it and may not know they are in danger until overcome by dam waters!

Is this possible in this day and age of alerts and phone-in-hand communication? You would not think so but it is true! Help is seriously needed for these residents.

Read more on the next page. It is a concerning piece of non-fiction, considering all the rain California is experiencing lately and will experience in future weeks!

Next Page »


  1. Rex Bishop Sr. said:

    Well you use some of your common sense to you really think it’s going cost a Hundred Billion dollors to repair a spill way ??

  2. Peggy Baayen said:

    And those of you who think it won’t, do you live in the area? Easy for you to say nay if you do.

  3. Kurt Malerich said:

    I am quite absolutely certain that I would NEVER live in a town down river from a dam that sits on an active fault. Life is tough, it’s even tougher if yore stupid.

  4. Wanda Holden said:

    that governor needs to be kicked out of office-he wasted money that should have been used to work on that dam to give to illegals.

  5. Wayne Mitchel said:

    thank your govenor for spending the money america paid to fix it years ago

  6. Tara Sparrow said:

    It’s held longer than expected… the other day they said it was failing and had about 30 minutes before it all collapsed. So I’m glad it has not failed I pray it doesn’t!

  7. Richard Blank said:

    Kimberley Travise Gumm another angry snowflake. Wow that a whole lot of snowflakes, now! Staring to look like a snowstorm. Oh and the correct question is Libtard or snowflake. Just wear the shoe that fits the best.

  8. Alex Penzenik said:

    California has no idea how to manage anything, especially their water and enviroment.

  9. Joseph McCaleb said:

    Still waiting for the libs to try an blame Trump for the dam failure. They blame him for everything else!

  10. June Rhodes said:

    I would blame your state leaders and governor since they know it is happening!

  11. Anthony Bye said:

    funny how many people have no regard for human life in these comments lol even if they are stupid enough to want a calexit or voted for killary

  12. Cindy Williams said:

    Consequences for bad choices.First for having votec democraps and 2nd for them to use their dollars on illegals

  13. CrossedSabers Ranch said:

    OK… the pun was not originally intended… but even a blind squirrel finds a nut now and then… 😉

  14. Dianne Fangman said:

    I would suggest that Californians request that the illegals help them as they are supporting them instead of the USA!

  15. Chris Garagliano said:

    As you can see, the dam on the right looks fine. It’s the spillway that’s broken. Why do they keep saying the dam is going to fail and not report on its problems? Yea, the spillway is messed up for sure, but I don’t see how its effecting the dam itself…

  16. KenRachel McKaughan said:

    Christopher Mcfadden I’ve thought the exact same thing. Maybe that’s why the northern conservatives want their own state away from the southern liberals

  17. James Pallasch said:

    If my family were below this dam I would have them out of there without any request that they be evacuated! If the ground is HOT, SOGGY OR SHAKING, I would not live there, period! While it is difficult to not have sympathy for the unfortunate ones who cannot leave, I take the lives of my loved ones and my own very serious. I pray for all their safety.

  18. John Cook said:

    No, these fools did the same thing back in ’86. They panic then get their shut together and fix it after the fact. Their style of lazy you could say…..

  19. Michael Harris said:

    I read a local newspaper article that stated the method for checking the integrity of that spillway involved one person with some kind of ” specialized ” HAMMER . It seems they trust this method to protect the folks downstream by walking around on the spillway and tapping the hammer on the concrete and listening to the sound to determine the integrity of same. Really ??? In this day and age , could they not utilize some sort of ground penetrating radar to accomplish this? I guess I will just have to go ask Jerry Brown about this. He is , after all , an expert on all things Government……. Not.

  20. Israel Ortega said:

    Governor moonbeam balddie is a Jesuit in line with the present Pope Frankenstein immigration all pundent very Liberal policies ignorant of infrastructure of are golden state highways bridges dams water issues Globalist caput

  21. Michael Williams said:

    Again STUPID MEDIA the DAM IS JUST FINE its the SPILLWAY THAT NOT>. and really oh wow its not that big of a deal…

  22. James Finney said:

    Residents are already informed. Unless every fuckin one of them is blind and deaf. Yall been talkin bout this problem for a damn week now. I tjink they have sense enough to pay attention and get out in due time.

  23. Juje Ruzario said:

    Yes 100%, people yet in deep slumber. Who will awake them?
    I am here to awake the world. Help me publish my upcoming book.
    I need financial help to publish the book in order to save people. The world is about to end and few more years left come help me awake the world.

  24. David Sours said:

    Well this is what happens when u spend money somewhere u shouldn’t move them people now your leaders don’t care it’s probably low income just like new Orleans rich people got reinforced structures poor people died said

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