Inexpensive Survival Items that Should be Stocked Now!

toilet paper

One of the most common reasons given for lack of preparation for a survival situation is the cost of survival supplies and equipment.

While with some stuff, you get what you pay for, with many, the prospect of shelling out thousands of dollars for survival preparation is beyond what they can afford.

Fortunately, though, by taking a long-term approach to preparation, most people can get the basics and then some done in a way that is economical.

One way of doing this is to stock up on common items each week or month, based on what is affordable and when it is on sale.

Stores routinely, for example, have sales on items like toilet paper – unless there is a limitation on how much can be bought by one person, buying what you can afford is a smart way of getting a vital survival supply at an inexpensive cost.

To see other ideas along this line, check out the next page.

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  1. William Yzerman said:

    Many would also have issues with the amount of space that storing that much supplies would take up if you are wall to wall in supplies it could become as great a problem as having too little in regards to how it impacts your day to day life

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