Incredible Native American Survival Skills That Can Benefit Us Today


As Americans, coming from near and far, we have much to answer for when it comes to the first Americans, aka, American Indians or Native Americans. We won’t go into the how and why recompense is needed but rather look into their survival history and how we can learn from it.

Native Americans are some of the ultimate survivalists!

They lived off the land not because they were awaiting the grid to go down but because it was their way of life; hunting, creating fire, finding water, and partaking in a nomadic way of life was natural for them and all the more so when European American started to move west.

Before they knew it their land was being taken away and their food sources depleted. Suppose we can say the Native American were facing a SHTF scenario long before that term became natural to those prepping for the big event.

To read up on their survival skill and learn how they can benefit us today please go over to the next page!

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  1. Jeffrey Mathis said:

    What a stupid article that tells you nothing. Not to mention that evertones ancestors obviously knew how to survive…duh

  2. Bluemountain Hash said:

    Indeed lesson #1 Don’t trust the Government. Lesson#2 Don’t trust the Government. Lesson #3 If you find yourself trusting the government, refer to rules 1&2.

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