Improvised Weapons for Your Survival


Like it or not, chances are you will be faced with a survival situation or SHTF moment at some point in your life.

Given the trajectory of current events, from riots to terrorist attacks, heck, even prolonged weather events, the chances of that event happening sooner is a better bet than later.

Depending on the event and its seriousness, you may find yourself in a situation where self-defense, bet it against man or beast, is imperative. Desperate people do desperate things if their situation is dire enough.

It is likely, if you are prepared, you will have the weapons you need at your avail. But, what if you are separated from your weapons, or they are destroyed or you run out of ammunition?

On the next page, we cover several improvised weapons you should learn how to make to help you have the weapons you need if your traditional weapons are unavailable or useless.

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