Important Common Household Items We Should be Hoarding (and Why)

old lighter

We live in a society that places a premium on throwing away stuff we are done using.

This is unfortunate because many items can be repurposed; here are just a few!

Empty Tins

Empty tins are always useful to store things in. Keep your empty tins because, whether it’s a coffee tin or a small Altoid tin, you’re bound to find a use for it at some point. You can also turn empty tins into everything from a lantern to a small, improvised stove: They’re way too useful to dispose of.


You can turn an empty soda can into a myriad of things. Just a couple examples off of

YouTube include a Wi-Fi booster, a popcorn maker, a soda can stove, a torch and a camping water heater. Hell, you can even make chains from the tabs, thanks to this ingenious video from Grant Thompson – thanks!

Old Lighters

Empty lighters can always be refilled, and lighters that are mostly screwed still have one useful thing: The flint. Dismantle the lighter and remove the flint. This can be used as a firestarter or re-fitted to another lighter. (For example, the flint from a Bic lighter will fit in a Clipper – good as new!)


Paperclips are about as versatile as good ol’ duct tape, so make sure you have paperclips (and bobby pins) around in your survival kit. They can hold things together, open up locks, and be turned into an improvised fish hook or compass. Obviously, there are a hundred-and-one uses – and you can stab things with it.

Broom Handles

Snapped broom and mop handles are easily thrown away: Don’t. Saw the broken end off and you’ve got a free wooden dowel: Turn this into a fishing rod, a walking stick, a spear, a support, a splint – or, if hollow, use some creativity and turn it into a homemade blowgun.

Plastic Bottles

Like polystyrene, plastic bottles present a recycling nightmare: Always reuse them when you are able to. Plastic bottles can be turned into plant holders, scoops, storage, lights, and lanterns. You can even build a shelter if you have enough plastic bottles around.

Screws and Other Stuff

Now, what do you do when you’ve just finished putting together the couch and you’re left with three screws? (Call it a day and store them, of course.) Always keep loose odds-and-ends like zip ties, screws, nuts, bolts, and nails: Throw them in a coffee tin and forget they’re even there. They’ll be useful eventually.

Stockpiling for survival (or everyday purposes) is important and if you can repurpose something, at least you save money by not having to buy whatever the new function of the old item is!

While stockpiling should never be an excuse to become a hoarder, much of what we use in today’s throw away society can be reused with a little bit of ingenuity.

To read up on other items you should keep once their intended purpose is used up, check out the Urban Survival Site.


