If You’re Not Careful When SHTF, Here are 10 Ways the Beach Can Kill You


Most people think of a day at the beach as the most relaxing experience imaginable. A drink in one hand, a book in the other, forget about it; there's nothing better.

However, there are plenty of people who view the beach as an absolute death trap, and they may be right. Inattentive lifeguards, man-eating sea creatures, and terrifying currents top the list of ways to be killed, or at the very least, horribly maimed, at the beach.

So while you may be going there to get away from it all, there's a pretty good chance that a day at the beach could be your one-way ticket to a hole six feet in the ground.

If you want to avoid death at all costs and keep you and your loved ones safe, then add to your paranoia with the top ten list of ways to die at the beach on the next page.

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  1. Kale Fast said:

    Some dumb$#%&!@*here .. We all know about rip currents , Sharks , and sunburn


