If Ever Lost in the Woods, These Are the Plants a Person Definitely Should Not Eat…


Yes, they may look good and when you are desperate you may feel like taking a chance on those mysterious berries. But should you? If only you did a little more research into the various plants and fruits in your area.

The following may just help you if you are on the fence about what you should eat in the wild.


1. Horse Nettle: They look like green tomatoes, but they can cause severe abdominal pain and respiratory issues.

2. Nightshade: They might look like blueberries, but a handful of these things could easily end you.

3. Rhododendron: It's also called a suicide bush, so there's that.

4. Wisteria: Just don't eat wild legumes. They often contain a glycoside that could easily end your life.

5. Holly: This is another bird favorite, but let's just save holly for Christmas decorations, okay?

But do not stop here! There are more seemingly safe but genuinely dangerous plants over on ViralNova. Did you know some wild berries contain cyanide? Beware!

You need to use common sense. If you do not see birds going anywhere near a plant or fruit stay away! Yet, having said that, there is some vegetation perfectly fine for birds but deadly for human beings!

If you plan on spending a lot of time in the wilderness, partaking of its bounty, we suggest you read up on what you want to put in your mouth!



