How to Use Kitchen Scraps… to Grow a Vegetable Garden for When SHTF

vegetable garden from scraps

For most vegetables there is a lot of waste that results from food preparation. But rather than simply discarding this waste in your compost bin or trash, why not regrow the plants? Watch the video below to learn how simple it is.

Okay, for most of us, regrowing pineapple isn't really a viable option because 18 months is a long time and we have something called winter, but if you want to get a few more uses out of celery, onions and garlic, among others, this is an excellent strategy.

Once you get a good system going, this could really save you some money in the long run. Knowing this trick could help you stretch your food supply, as well, when SHTF.

Why waste time and seed growing crops from scratch when you can just allow them to regenerate naturally?



