This Guy Lived In His Car For Over A Year: Learn How To Be Resourceful In A SHTF Scenario!

No one wants to ever have to live in their car (or even spend a single night in it,) but in a survival or SHTF situation, you may need to do so.

Imagine, for instance, if you were displaced in the aftermath of Hurricane Katrina. Or if your home and neighborhood were demolished like the people in Japan after that earthquake/tsunami tragedy.

Relying on FEMA was useless for a lot of people and staying in the public locations they set up in New Orleans was dangerous. Hotels were booked for hundreds of miles away.

Several media outlets ran specials on people living in their cars, some for days. A few even ran “how to” segments.

The point is you do not have to be down on your luck to find yourself in a critical situation and having to make due surviving in your car. Part of being a survivor is always being resourceful. Use what you have and do what you can to survive any challenge life hands you.

On the next here are some vital tips to not only make that experience more comfortable, but in some cases, they may save your life.


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