How to Recycle Plastic Into Useful Survival Materials

plastic from carton

We emphasize improvising on this site because in a survival situation, if it is really bad, improvisation is one key to ensuring you make it through.

That includes re-purposing household items to create tools and materials you need to create stuff that will help you throughout the crisis.

Even if you are not facing a survival situation, understanding how to re-purpose stuff is a vital skill that saves money, which is something most of us are always keen to do.

In this case, we examine melting plastic in order to make items you need – re-purposing an old milk container, for example, to make another plastic item you can use.

Check out the instructions on the next page to see how this is done.

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  1. Beth Lear said:

    Your brother has lots of them in his basement. Lol maybe he’d be willing to let you have a few..

  2. Dan N Charmaine Wilson said:

    H.D.P.E ( number 2) is the plastic milk jugs, 5 gallon buckets, blue 55 gallon drums and other stuff is made from. You need to heat hdpe to 350 f. Water bottles are generally P.E.T.E. I am currently melting this down in a gasifier setup (400 C) to turn back into oil. Definitely has many survival uses.

  3. Velma Salzman said:

    Be careful with the fumes. I would do it outside, not in the house. The fumes are toxic and cause cancer or respiratory stress.

  4. Daniel Denapoli said:

    I made a wooden stove fueled by plastic just nail three short 2×4′ s together in a u shape and burn bits of plastic inside the woden shape long enough to hold one or two pots


