How to Properly Prep for Winter Survival. What is Needed Most?


The following seems annoyingly straightforward but oh so true. It never hurts to be reminded of the simple things because sometimes those are the easiest to forget! Read the following and find out why warmth is what is most important during these brisk winter months!

This is possibly the most important factor in preparing for the winter. The cold can totally incapacitate, and even kill a person, in a matter of a few hours. Preventing yourself from exposure to the cold is the first step in winter survival. Cold can make a person’s immune system more vulnerable to pathogens, so keeping warm enough will keep you healthy.
Make sure that you and your family have the right kind of winter clothing. The best possible option combines both price and utility, and wool fits the bill for both of those categories. Wool is an incredible material all around. Naturally resistant to bacterial growth, it can be worn consecutively for days, even weeks, at a time and will not be hazardous to your health or hygiene. It is the most effective fiber at keeping skin warm, especially when acting as a base layer.
To stay warm – have multiple layers available. Wool base layers, followed by a clothing layer, then a core warmer (like a vest), and an outer sweater. A jacket on top of that, along with a hat, gloves, and warm socks, and any human can stay warm in even the harshest cold weather. Additionally, warming packets can be added to pockets, gloves, and socks. Clothing should fit well to prevent heat loss. If you live around rain and/or snow, then a waterproof layer is a must. None of the warmest clothing will work if you can’t keep it from getting wet. And wet + cold is a recipe for serious trouble. Stay warm and dry!

While we realize there are additional things you need to know, including having enough food and water, the staying warm portion of winter survival, as stated, is truly vital. To learn more go to the American Prepper Network.

We can recommend battery operated hand warmers and chemically “ignited” heating pads for your feet. Shop around, ask friends and fellow preppers, and you will find a number of useful items! Stay warm!


