How to Properly Deal With Wounds When Doomsday Arrives


What would you do if you or a loved one suffered a major laceration or open wound during a survival situation? This is not something pleasant or fun to think about, but it is something to seriously consider if you were ever to end up in a similar situation. We have some potentially life-saving advice you may want to think about and share with your loved ones.

The first thing you need to know is that not all open wounds need to be sewn shut or closed. It's a common belief that closing a wound will speed up the overall recovery process and in some cases, that's the right solution. However, there may be times when you don't want to close the wound.

The purpose of closing off a wound is to protect it from elements and bacteria, but sometimes unwanted micro-organisms make their way into the wound and cause a serious infection. If you're in the wilderness or a remote area, you may find yourself more susceptible to harmful bacteria.

If you're out in the great wilderness and you (or someone else) gets a dirty cut or wound, you should tend to the wound and clean it on a frequent basis. Instead of sealing up the wound, monitor the healing process. It's good to let the wound air out as it helps inflammatory fluid to escape from the wound.

If you want to find out more reasons why you should postpone sealing the wound, please check out the next page.

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  1. Chris Nichols said:

    Frankincense and myrrh oil was used by the Roman and Greek arms. Myrrh to stop bleeding, and prevent shock, and frankincense for quick healing. (Do not use in burns).

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