How to Prepare Your Fridge and Freezer Ahead of Time for a Summer Power Outage

food in fridge

When you’re on vacation for several days, heading home can be a point of relief. No more running around, and you get to sleep in your own bed again! But coming home to a fridge full of inedible food as a resulting power outage is probably not what you had in mind. Leaking puddles of water, ruined food stock that you were planning on saving, having to go through every single thing before you can head to the grocery store? That’s one way to put a damper on the entire trip.

Planning ahead to avoid this unpleasant surprise is huge. And this doesn’t just apply to going on vacation. You should also incorporate this practice in your bug out cabin so you know everything is running the way it should.

Here are some tips to prepare your fridge and freezer in case the power goes out. Take a look!

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