How To Prepare Guns And Ammo For A SHTF Scenario

We all hope that we never have to face a SHTF moment (unless you are nuts) and hope that if we do, we are prepared.

One of the most overlooked aspects to survival situations is your ammunition, or ammo. Most have a stockpile, but is it appropriate for the situation you face?

Have the wrong kind you are screwed.

In a survival situation, your firearms could be critical. If you do not know what you need, you are even in more trouble.

Shooting a deer, with a .22, will not work. Using a Howitzer to kill a squirrel, while fun (it's a Howitzer) is overkill. Knowing what ammo to use when, is key, both in terms of of optimizing efficiency and maximizing appropriate kill power.

On the next page, we cover ammo, how to use it and what to use in certain situations.


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  1. hollis Jamar said:

    Shooting a Deer with a .22 call will work, you just have to shoot them in the head. If you’re any kind of survivalist, you can get plenty close enough to do this.

  2. John said:

    As a base 1000 rds of each is a good start 22 ammo for small game all is depending on where you live if you live in Alaska where there’s Grizzlies and wolves and things that can eat you you need a large effective rifle to take down those game something that will kill a brown bear and moose and large elk if you live in the southeast a 243-270 will kill pretty much anything that walks and before anybody get started yes I know you can kill with a 22 but this shot placement has to be perfect for a true s**t hits the fan survival situation a good quality pellet rifle is excellent choice they’re very quiet and you can store pellets and definitely you don’t have to worry about powder going bad and I also work in a slingshot


