How to Prep Your Kids for Disaster: What Every Parent Should Know

We talk a lot about being prepared. Things you can do solo and things you should work on with your family to ensure everyone's safety as a whole. We want to do everything we can to cover our bases and a lot of that means thinking ahead, watching the news, following blogs and articles about prepping and survival. Some may tease us for being overly cautious, and that's fine. They're normally the ones calling us up or knocking on our door during an emergency because they don't know what to do. We don't mind helping out at all, but the world would be a much safer place if each household was “prep” conscious.

On that note, it's important to think about the children. Your children. In a lot mental preparation scenarios, your kids are more than likely with you when an emergency occurs. But we need to understand that these scenarios are idealistic. How does one prepare their children for a disaster or an emergency when they, the parent or guardian, are not there to help?

On the next page, we will discuss that very thing. How to prep your kids and give them the tools they'll need during a crisis. 


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