How to Notice a Handgun That’s Concealed

concealed gun weapon

Ever wanted to know how to tell exactly who around you has a gun on their person? Instead of worrying it might be too late before catching on that someone who is dangerous is carrying a weapon, larn what to do. With the handy excerpt below, making out those concealed guns is all too easy.

Body Language: People carrying handguns tend to subconsciously telegraph the location of the weapon via their body language. They may reflexively palpate the gun to make sure the weapon is still safely in its holster or subtly re-position the weapon prior to sitting or standing.

Asymmetry: Another telltale sign is asymmetry in clothing. An outside-the-waistband holster may cause a visible midline bulge, while an ankle holster may cause a bulge or tightening of the fabric at the lower leg. A gun held in a jacket pocket will weight down one side of the jacket unevenly.

If you want to keep an eye on others around you who may be carrying concealed weapons, you probably found this information quite useful. If you concealed-carry yourself, it's probably pretty useful for other reasons. After all, concealed-carry means nothing if everyone can tell where you're storing your weapon.

Use this information to carry more effectively, or to help keep track of who around you is also carrying; they could become your allies if a lunatic shows up, guns blazing, or any one of them could be that lunatic.

There are even more helpful guidelines on identifying a concealed weapon in the original article at Art of Manliness.



