How to Make Whiskey Step by Step Post-Collapse

making whiskey

It should go without saying that one of the hottest commodities post-collapse will be alcohol. It has been a form of currency ever since it was invented thousands of years ago.

Chances are, thousands of years from now, we'll still be trading cases of beer to get our friends to help us move into our new space-station.

While all alcohols are held in high regard, whiskey is on a separate pedestal all over the world.

It is one of the most highly sought-after liquors on the planet, and many people would fork over a pretty hefty price for a bottle of it if conditions are right.

This isn't likely to change when SHTF. There's a lot of alcoholics out there and even those who aren't will probably pay a great deal for a taste of better days.

For those reasons, it would be in your best interest to learn how to distil your own whiskey before times get rough. Learn how on the next page.

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  1. Rex Heckathorn said:

    been around stills all my life it works best fired by wood nice to have propane but wood is still the best an a good spring to cool the worm and to proof with

  2. Harold Mcdermott said:

    Get a big whiskey bottle put a copper line coming out of the end of it Then have the copperline submerged in the sink with cold water going on it Have the big whiskey bottle on the stove but don’t let it get to hot, I made that when I was 14 years old lol

  3. Bil Zenovic said:

    watch enough moonshiners episodes and you can pick up all the tricks

  4. Andy Clements said:

    Chris I wouldn’t dare think you’d do that. Where as the ATF probably still has a family file on us. Depression was a tough time.

  5. Megan Stone said:

    Clare Windsor Stone, we should save this article so we can try making this when you come visit us.

  6. Hilda Holland Tozzi said:

    Dora, I remember my Gramma, Corrine’s mother, making whiskey for Grampa Farnetti. She had rigged up an empty fire extinguisher somehow, after he got sick on whatever kind of rot-gut that was available in 1929 or 1930. Thanks for reminding me !!!


