How to Make a Skivvy Roll – It’s the Best Way to Roll Clothes for Bugging Out!

skivvy roll

Skivvy Rolls let you pack several days; worth of undergarments in a compact, neat order.

That is critical if space is at a premium; here is how to make your Skivvy Roll.


Lay it flat on the ground.


Lay the underwear flat, top center.


Take the right third and fold it left so the shoulder is along the edge of the collar, repeat on other side.


Place socks along the top with the open ends pointing out.


Roll from the top down so the socks are in the center.


Take the ends of the socks and pull them around the shirt.

Skivvy Rolls can be a vital way to save storage space if space is limited.

They originally were a way for soldiers to pack a few days undergarments when heading out to battle (or at least that is the legend.)

In a survival situation, where space is limited, using a skivvy roll can be a great way to free up space for other survival gear you want to store!

To learn more about Skivvy Rolls, check out Instructables!

Featured Image via Instructables


