How to Make a Large Fishing Hook

Here are some steps to making a great fish hook. Read the steps and look at the photos and soon you will have your own terrific homemade hook!

1) Carve a small piece of wood to the shape shown in the photo.
2) Find suitable thorns, in this example I used Black Thorn thorns. The sharper the better. Be careful not to blunt the sharp tip of the thorns because this makes the hook so much more effective.

3) I scraped the thin bark layer off my thorn but this is not necessary. You can see how the tree has allowed the tip of the thorn to die so that it is harder and sharper on the end. The thorn in this picture is not attached to the wood…but you could stick it to the wood with a very small amount of Pine resin or other glue to make binding the thorn less fiddly.

fishing hook

fishing hook

fishing hook

Images via Survival Kit

After this you want to make a length of very thin fishing line using a plain length of some kind of strong thread or filament. Put the thorn through the eye on the end of the string. Check out the pictures above which explain the second half of the fish hook process.

You want to continue wrapping the string around the stem of the hook. To finish, pass the end of your line underneath the last couple of wraps and pull tight.

Ta Dah! You have a great fish hook!

Thank you to Survival Kit for showing us this great project!

Featured Image via Survival Kit



