How to Go About Prepping for Long Term Survival


Preparing for a collapse may seem daunting in itself, however, most people are still unprepared to survive for the long term. With the help of this article, you'll be able to gather the materials you need to survive for a longer period of time. Read below to find out!

Powering Up

Prevailing wisdom says that the best source of power when you’re forced (or choose) to live off-grid is solar energy. They are definitely better and more sustainable than fuel powered generators (fuel eventually runs out, sunlight is always available). Of course, there will be times when your solar generators run out of juice so it’s good to have a backup system.

Safe Water

In the short term, a stockpile of bottled water is likely fine and should last you for a while. Eventually, however, those bottles are going to run out. In the event of an emergency or disaster, finding potable water is going to be challenging. This is why having a reusable filtering system is important.

For those who are planning on staying in their current homes, it seems like you’ve got this taken care of already. But what if you can’t? What if something happens to your home? In the event that this is you face this scenario, you’ll want to have some form of shelter that you can take with you. It needn’t be fancy but it does need to be easily portable.

Survival Skills

So far, we’ve focused on physical supplies that you’ll need but it’s important that you have a good set of survival skills. We don’t mean just that innate fight or flight response with which we are all born. It’s also good to know a few things about fending for yourself off the grid.

Do you know how to build a fire without matches? Do you know how to build a shelter out of natural materials? Do you know which kinds of shelter work best in cold environments (as opposed to warm environments)? These are skills every prepper should have. Take a wilderness or survival skills class so you can get some field practice. It is important to hone these skills before you have to use them.

With a bit more preparation and supplies, you and your family will be able to survive a collapse for a long period of time. It's important to consider the supplies you gather and how much more beneficial it is to stock up for an extended time to survive.

For more tips, check out American Preppers Network.

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  1. John Schroeder said:

    About how long do the batteries last in a solar power system before they are no longer able to hold a charge and are useless ?

  2. Steve Bryant said:

    batteries last as long as they can if used correctly so the right charger is a must, allow them to charge right down , however batt tools like my bosch may cost a lot but im still using a 24 volt pack 12 years later and they still hold a charge not only that but break them open and your find 8 cells ready to use


