How to Effectively Make Cement and Concrete for Survival Tasks

wet concrete

We love wood, it's warm and expressive, and if you have a small parcel of land in the middle of the wilderness you might be relying on it. However, some preppers want to build with a material that is a bit more permanent. So, they decide on cement or concrete because when the SHTF their shelter is going to stand up to anything!

Now they have to think of something that they may not have considered. What if a collapse happens before they are able to purchase those bags of ready-made-mix-with-water-cements? How do they — or you create your own?

Cement is crushed limestone and some other items. Limestone should not be too difficult to find but if you are unsure the rock you have is limestone, try this:. Take a coin to scratch the rock. If the scratch leaves and imprint then you are probably holding limestone!

You are on your way to making cement! Break your limestone into small pieces and heat it up for a very long time. It has to be hot. In other words, use a kiln or oven. They are your best choices. Before you know it your limestone will start to crumble. Use gloves! This is quicklime and needs to be stored in a sealed container, away from air.

Before you know it your limestone will start to crumble. Use gloves! This is quicklime and needs to be stored in a sealed container, away from air.

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One Comment;

  1. Graham Wright said:

    A mix of three parts sand , two parts stones / gravel and one part cement will give you a very strong concrete . It’s back breaking to mix by hand and it seems to shrink as you combine the ingredients so plan on taking longer to do your building and acquire more materials .

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